YouTube. I enjoyed it very much. Yes I watched YouTube but I do not wear a tube. Hahaha. Get it? No? Ok.... Moving on to our topic, YouTube was founded and launched on 2005 by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim. They were all a former PayPal employees. But still I don’t know what is the connection between the PayPal, an e-commerce company with YouTube, a video-sharing website. I mean they were all work on the money, credit card and stuff like that initially, but how they came up with the idea like this? Who knows? Maybe they want the whole wide world to see their sick dance moves but they don’t have the right medium to do it. I’m just saying… Huhu.
If you have a YouTube account, you can upload your own video. All kinds of them. Take this
ginger boy for an example. He uploaded a video to express how mad he is to the society that keeps making fun of him. You should watch it. He is so angry. LOL. Besides, you can subscribe to another people account (or also known as channel) and YouTube will give you an update about them. I have a channel. Well, technically it is not a channel since I didn’t upload a single video in it. Huhu. I just use my channel to subscribe to someone else’s channels. These are the channels that I subscribed to:-
TopGearThere you go, a total of 23 subscriptions. I put the links so you can go check’em out. This is going to be a long entry. So, grab your popcorn and please put on your 3D glasses. Yeah, the one that you used to see the 3D movies at cinema. Hahaha.
agcoco ambobzeela nohhujan xfmadmin linkinparktv
As you all know, I love music very much. What? You don’t know?? It doesn’t matter if you don’t know, because now you just know. Hahaha. The above channels except for linkinparktv and xfmadmin channels are all belongs to the band members of Hujan (Well d’oh... How can Linkin Park and XFM be the band members of Hujan). Sadly however, they didn’t upload or update their videos for ages now. You can watch lots of Hujan videos at ambobzeela channels because Ag and Noh are just too lazy to upload videos. Haha. I love XFM so much because they uploaded lots of performances from the indie bands to their channel. You can watch Xgig Xtended sections on their channels and find your favourite bands there. And if you’re a Linkin Park fans, you will find their channel very interesting. They even uploaded videos of them recording their latest albums, A Thousand Suns.
AnimalPlanetTV DiscoveryNetworks NationalGeographic
As a person that had fully dedicated his life and willing to put his life for the sake of the mother nature and animals (A total lie), I found this three channels interesting. They uploaded videos about environment, our daily life, history, wildlife, stuff like that. Of course I didn’t watch all of the videos. I only watch the video that have a hot girl in it. I don’t even care about all of the animals or our environment. They are all lame... Hahaha. I kid, I kid. But seriously, if you are into this kind of stuff, do check’em up because you’ll find bunch of amazing stuff there. About nature of course, not about those hot girls (or you can change it to hot guy if you’re a girl, unless you’re a lesbian)... LOL.
BelacandanPaku BenBradshaw1
What the hell?! How can belacan and paku being mixed? I can’t even find the connection between those two words. I mean belacan can be eaten. But can you eat paku?? Well of course if the paku is being mix with pakis. Hahaha. Actually, Belacan and Paku are the names of this two Mat Salleh who had stayed at Malaysia for quite a long time and they felt in love with Malaysia. They can speak Bahasa Melayu and they also play sepak takraw. But not as pro as me... Hehe. Ben Bradshaw is just like Belacan and Paku, he had stayed in Malaysia and they also know each other. But their reason in making the video is totally different. Ben makes videos to teach us about English and try to learn Bahasa Melayu from us at the same time while Belacan and Paku are comedian. Trust me, it is very funny to see these three Mat Salleh talking in Bahasa Melayu but at the same time, I am proud of it.
Askcharlie hiimrawn IanH Onision RayWilliamJohnson reallyannoyingorange ShaneDawsonTV Smosh
So many channels... But what exactly do they have in common? They made me laugh (sometimes I didn’t laugh at all because I can’t understand their jokes and puns). They were all comedians in their own way. Shane Dawson is one of the biggest stars on YouTube and his videos overally is about loving yourself for the way you are and try not to be someone else. If you don’t love yourself, will others love you?? (Cewah...) He is funny and his videos also contain nasty stuff. Don’t say that I don’t warn you! Hahaha. Onision is a fan of Shane but I don’t watch his videos a lot. I don’t know why I subscribed to this guy but I think he is funny too. I also did not watch lots of hiimrawn channel’s video. I only subscribed to him because of
this funny parody of Lady Gaga and Elton John. Haha. It was so epic. My favourite is the drummer. See the video then you’ll know what I mean. Do you think an orange is not annoying? It is annoying if it can talk like this orange freak. The name of the channel, reallyannoyingorange describes it all. It is so damn annoying. Well, to tell you the truth, it’s funny after watching a few videos of it but eventually, I’ve got bored of it. Huhu. The channel name raywilliamjohnson is also the name of the guy that review and also make a joke about the viral videos on the internet. So, you get to laugh and know the latest viral videos on the net. No, don’t get the wrong idea here ladies and gentleman.. Viral video is the video that hit a high number of views in a short time. It is not videos that infect your body cell and try to replicate itself just like those malicious viruses! Hahaha. The channel I like the most in this category is Smosh. It consists of this comedy duo, Ian and Anthony. I don’t know why, but I love to watch their videos. It is so funny. I laughed till I wet my pants and my pants slip off to the ground! Luckily I always wear two pants.. Hahaha. IanH is the channel where they will upload their vlogs. I don’t know what is the meaning of
vlog is but I think that it is the combination of the word
violin and
logarithm. Doesn’t make sense right?? Well it is because I lied to you. Hehe. Ok2... I think it is the combination of the word
video and
blog where you post a blog entry by using video. Askcharlie is also a channel from that originated from Smosh. Charlie is blessed with a weird mouth that gives him an ability to talk. He is a drunk guinea pig that will answer a chosen questions from the viewers that can give a question at the comment section below the video. I think he is from England by considering his weird accents. Huhu. I found that the way he read the questions is so hilarious. Fuh.. So long... I wonder if anybody going to read this knowing that we didn’t even reach 30% of this entry yet... Hahaha.
DRUM Machinima nick6674 TeamFourStar TopGear
Drum is one of the instruments that I really like. Initially, I want to subscribe to my favourite drummer, Travis Barker (former Blink182 drummer) but I cannot find his channel. Haha. So I subscribed to this channel hoping that someday he will appear in one of the video... Hehe. Machinima is a computer animation that is made from a game such as Halo or Call Of Duty. I subscribed to this channel because of the series called Arby and Chief (if I spell it right. I'm not good in spelling. Microsoft Word corrected it for me.. Hehe.) that is so funny in the first two seasons but it doesn’t anymore in the next seasons. I’m kinda disappointed with that... It makes me cry for three nights.. In my dream... Hahaha. At last, my only friend with the channel and videos. Her channel is called nick6674. I wonder why she named the channel like that. It’s not commercial at all. I’m also disappointed with you Aitea... Hahaha. Aitea (now this is what I call a commercial name!!), a friend of mine from UMT uploaded videos of her singing a cover version of a song to her BFFs . But she is a shy girl. How can I tell that you ask? It is because all I can see in the videos is just a plain wall! Maybe Aitea was singing in the bathroom and her friends recorded it with a video camera. Hahaha. Nice job Aitea. But I still think that it would be better if I play the song with my guitar and you sing it. It just my opinion dude, don’t marah2 me okay... Hehe. TeamFourStar is not just ordinary team. They dubbed the Dragon Ball Z anime and make it so damn funny. I think you should watch it. You’ll get addicted just like me. I never thought that Goku and friends are so hilarious. Huhu. Now the TopGear show is has something that others cars TV shows don’t have. They are so freaking funny! How can a car show can be funny? At the beginning, I also keep wondering but now I don’t really even care. As long as it can make me laugh, I’ll be watching it. It’s one of my favourite TV shows and I can’t get enough of it, so I subscribed to their YouTube channel. Hehe.
It’s a long entry but I hope you can get some benefits from it. Hahaha!! If you look at the right side of the blog, you’ll feel awkward. You’ll be thinking that something is wrong somewhere! No! It’s not my handsome picture... Don’t look at it... Malulah saya... Hahaha. It’s my blog archive. I’ve finally write more than one entry in a month. It’s a historical day to me... Thank you... I will remember today’s date for the rest of my life and I’ll celebrate it like crazy! Wait, what is the date for today again? Hahaha. I'm a little bit schizo... But not flizo... LOL. (Someone made me use that schizo word, but I don't now how to use it. But I know it rhymes with flizo...Hahaha)
Last word for this short entry:- If you have a YouTube account, do add me as fiend. You can find my channel